Little White Cat

The little cat was only around the size of a man's hand. It looked very cute, and its legs were pink in color. The contrast between the pink fur of its legs and the white fur of its body was quite lovely.

The woman picked up the cat from the ground and placed it in her hands. Han Sen could see the woman's hands in the video. Her fingers were long and delicate, and her skin was flawless. Her hands were beautiful. She didn't have long nails or any adornments or accessories like rings.

She placed the little white cat inside a transparent container. Then she put on a pair of disposable gloves, the type commonly used for doing experiments, and brought out a needle. She injected an unknown fluid into the little white cat.

After receiving the injection, the little white cat quickly fell asleep. The video then remained trained on the sleeping cat. It was like the woman was just standing still, holding the camera steady.