Wan’er Wakes Up

"Deified Xenogeneic hunted: Gold Robot General. Xenogeneic gene found. Obtained Gold Robot General beast soul."

Han Sen was thrilled. "I got its beast soul. Am I on a lucky streak to keep receiving their beast souls these days?"

When the Gold Robot General fell, its gold greatsword dropped from its loosened grip, too. Dragon One and the others were all ecstatic. After seeing this, they all ran up to Han Sen.

Bai Wan Jie watched Han Sen from afar, with his face cycling through a variety of different emotions. The members of his royal knights were all frozen, and none of them could speak.

The results of the battle were far too surprising. The Gold Armor General was considered too difficult to kill, and yet Dollar had single-handedly secured the victory. Watching Han Sen at that moment was like looking at a god and a demon. It left a really deep impression in their brains.

"What just happened?"