The Fight That Was Meant to Be

As the two of them returned from their fight in White King City, Han Sen's heart was unsettled. Both Black King City and White King City gave Han Sen the unsettling feeling that he was being watched by some larger entity.

But the Sky didn't have the power to control the White Jade Jing. If someone really did have authority over that place, that would be truly scary.

Han Sen and Lone Bamboo had worked together to kill the deified xenogeneic in White King City. News of their feat spread through Sky Palace like wildfire. The next day, when Han Sen decided to go to Black King City, he found Exquisite standing on his little jade island.

"Lady Exquisite, why are you here?" Han Sen knew this was bad news. It had been so long that their agreement had slipped his mind. He hadn't thought about it when he accepted Lone Bamboo's invitation to visit White King City.