Luck Is Broken

Han Sen picked 10 star fruits one after another. Each xenogeneic that emerged was a first-tier King. The only differences between them were their breeds and their potential for development.

Although creatures that came from the star fruits always started at first tier, the lowest King rank, they were still adults. Han Sen could help them develop by providing them with resources, but there was a limit to how much they could evolve. Bringing most of these Kings up to deified would be an impossible task. Half-deified was likely as far as they could go.

He had yet to find a deified xenogeneic, and that alone disappointed Han Sen.

Exquisite comforted him by saying, "Few of the fruit hold deified xenogeneics, so it isn't strange that you haven't found one yet. You still have another 40 chances, too. There is no need to rush this process. If your luck is decent, then one or two of your 50 fruit should hold deified xenogeneics."