Star Gauge Mirror

"That is a very beautiful gem," Bao'er said as she peered at the gem in Empty God's hand.

Her eyes brightened with interest.

Empty God's lips curled up at the corners. He looked cocky as he said, "Do you want it? Just say you want it and it is yours."

"Really?" Bao'er looked surprised. She gazed at Empty God with disbelief.

"Of course. As long as you say what you want, a cute little girl like you can have anything you've ever dreamed of," Empty God said chivalrously, his voice smooth and coaxing.

"You're a great guy!" Bao'er said with excitement.

Empty God laughed. He held the gem in front of Bao'er and smiled. "Just say you want it, and this gem will then belong to you."

Bao'er looked longingly at the gem, and her hands slowly reached out for the gem.

Empty God hid a snide smile as he thought to himself, "Female creatures are all alike. They are just like those ugly dragons. No matter how old they are, they love all things shiny."