Sit and Forget Sutra

All signs of struggle disappeared from Han Sen's face, only to be replaced by total calm and serenity. His threatening hand was lowered.

The most unusual thing about his calmness was his scary presence. When the Very High felt that presence, a chill passed through their hearts.

Almost at the same time, Exquisite and Li Keer's faces relaxed, too. Their bodies replicated Han Sen's movements, lowering their hands from their previously threatening posture.

"Why does this seem so familiar? This presence..." one of the Very High mumbled with a far off look.

"It isn't just familiar... This presence feels like the Very High Sense. Why is Han Sen's body exuding the Very High Sense?" another Very High asked, stumbling as he spoke.

"It isn't the Very High Sense." The Ninth Uncle was giving Han Sen an inscrutable stare. "Although the presence is similar, it isn't really the Very High Sense. It must be a geno art that is a branch of the Very High Sense."