Dead Dragon Body

When he arrived beside the black object at the bottom of the hole, Han Sen got a better look at the blood light that surrounded it. It was just like the blood coral.

After confirming that there wasn't any danger, Han Sen reached his hand out to touch it. The object was hot to the touch, and the texture of the surface felt kind of like snakeskin or the scales of some other sort of creature.

But snakes were cold-blooded animals. Their scales were supposed to feel cool, but this black thing was burning hot. It glowed like heated steel.

"This thing can't be alive, can it?" Han Sen knew that was impossible. The thing wasn't giving off any lifeforce.

He dug into the sand around the black object, and it was revealed to be the size of a house when he was all done. When he saw it in all its splendor, it was absolutely massive, just as he had expected. And beside the glowing scale was another scale.