Cold Light Charm

Of course, after Second Uncle said that, Evil Lotus flashed by their heads and landed on a mechanical ruin that was not far away.

The xenogeneic was chasing Evil Lotus God. When it saw Second Uncle and the others, it spat out some scary and pink beams of light.

The xenogeneic looked extremely weird. Its body was semi-transparent and pink. It did not look like crystal. It looked more like semi-transparent metal.

Its pink upper body was like a giant pink piranha, and its lower body was wriggling with tentacles like an octopus. It looked very strange.

Seeing the piranha spew out pink beams of light from its flower, Second Uncle activated his time power. It made the pink beam of light slower. Now, everyone had a chance to evade the attack.

Seeing the pink beam of light land on the ground, it cut a deep trench through the hard soil. It was a clean, laser-like cut.