The Conditions to Shapeshift

Han Sen: Super God Spirit body

Geno battle body: Xenogeneic (butterfly class)

Level: Deified

Progress: 0/100

Lifespan: 2,658

Han Sen looked at his information and noticed he had leveled up to butterfly. He was relieved.

He was also confused. Even though his ascension to true god level had failed, the weird changes deployed into his left eye had not disappeared. He had still managed to combine with the Extreme King's Overbearing Eye.

He saw things in black and white. The effects were the same as they had been while he was undergoing the evolution process.

Han Sen took out a mirror to inspect his eyes. He noticed there was not much difference between his left and right eye. His left eye's pupil was darker, and the white of the eye was more brilliant. One was unable to tell the difference unless one looked closely.