Getting a Deified Beast Soul Again

Han Sen thrust forward a few times. He cycled through a few different geno arts. No matter which one he used, it felt as if there was no end. Reaching Time Ghost seemed impossible. He couldn't touch him.

God laughed as he approached Han Sen. "Unless you are able to break through that time limit, no matter which geno art you use, you will be unable to do anything to it. It's Absolute Time geno art can make time have no end. Some actions that only take a second to be performed can be delayed indefinitely."

Han Sen knew what was wrong with it. He wanted to break Time Ghost's Absolute Time. To do that, he had to break the time power area or unleash a speed that could blister through the delaying of time.

After all, Time Ghost's Absolute Time did not stop time. Time still went by, but it was at a much slower pace. If the speed was faster than the delay, Han Sen could hurt it.