Sacred Leader Armor

In the dark zone of the big barren systems, a little beast was in front of the ruins of a holy palace. The beast looked like a cat but didn't look like a cat. It looked like a fox but did not look like a fox. There was also a handsome young boy.

"How could this happen... Auntie Mei... Old Vulture... Where are you guys?" The young man was shouting. He kept searching in the hopes of finding something.

The results disappointed him. Aside from a few bloodstains, nothing else remained.

"This is... Is it Auntie Mei's blood..." The young man saw the bloodstains on the wall and was shocked. His face turned a little bit pale.

Old Cat jumped atop the broken wall. He sniffed it and seriously said, "That is probably her blood."

"What happened here?" Littleflower gnashed his teeth. He used his hands to touch the bloodstain. The moment his hand touched the blood, some weird power went into the bloodstain.