Ancient Version of The Story of Genes

This The Story of Genes was different from The Story of Genes with which Han Sen had practiced. The language of this The Story of Genes was far clearer. There were not many details. At the same time, it was quite deep. It was just like Han Sen reading the Dongxuan Sutra in the past. One needed more profound knowledge of old languages to understand it on a greater level.

If he had not already practiced with The Story of Genes, he probably would not have understood what the text on the wall meant.

To speak clearly, The Story of Genes here was a version written in an ancient text. In the past, Han Sen had practiced with a version written in modern text.

Although the descriptions were different, the content was similar and did not have many differences.

"Weird. Wasn't The Story of Genes created by Qin Xiu and Han Yufei? Wasn't it composed by those two together? Why is there an older version?" Han Sen thought this was very strange.