Finally Got a Gene Egg

"Responsibility? How are you going to accept responsibility?" Han Sen coldly looked at Gong Shu Zhi's shadow.

"I have some savings," Gong Shu Zhi said. "If you let my son go, I can give you money or gene eggs. If you want to be a leader of a town, I can help you do that too."

"It is a shame that money cannot buy life," Han Sen coldly said. "If you wanted to murder someone, you should have expected the chance of being murdered too. You cannot buy back your son's life. He should have learned." Purple dragon air was raging on his body. It was similar to a volcano erupting.

Gong Shu Jin thought he had a chance to live. After hearing Han Sen, his expression changed. His body emitted a weird light. He kept flapping his wings, wanting to fly far away.

Gong Shu Zhi's light was shouting, "If you kill my son, I, Gong Shu Zhi, will not stop hunting you down!"
