Going to the Mountain and Asking a God for Help

Li Bing Yu's face turned red. She looked as if she had been electrified as she leaped off Han Sen. She grabbed the white towel, covered her body, and ran out of Han Sen's room.

Big sky demon's power was too strong. It was an irresistible power. Li Bing Yu was able to see what was happening, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. It was not done by her own will, but she could not resist the temptation of the demon.

Li Bing Yu knew it had to be the power of some gene race, but she did not know it was the big sky demon. She thought about that as possibly being Gong Shu Zhi's revenge.

"Damn, that Gong Shu Zhi! If you want to exact revenge, go after him yourself. How dare he use that gene race on me." Li Bing Yu was back in her room. She looked terrible. After being forced to watch the things she did to Han Sen, she wanted to dig a hole and hide in it.