One Sword Destroys a Kingdom

"How is that possible? Hasn't he only been practicing sword skills for a year?" The old man looked at Sky Group Leader high above with shock.

Sky Group Leader saw the god light screen was displaying a bit of purple mist. After a while, he sighed and said, "Zhuo Dong Lai really is some strange sort of genius, which is very rare to find."

The old man looked rather perplexed, but he did not know how to respond.

One Dollar Sword Mind was not just any sword mind. It was a top-class geno art of the Wu Wei Dao Palace. It was created by the Wu Wei Dao Alpha.

Everything in this world started with one. One becomes two. Two becomes three. Three makes 10,000 things. One Dollar Sword Mind started a path to the infinite.

The whole Wu Wei Dao Palace legacy started with one. A gene race of any element was able to practice with the One Dollar Sword Mind. The sword mind would become a One Dollar Sword Mind, and a knife mind would become a One Dollar Knife Mind.