Fighting for Cooking Meat

The Gold Wing Big Bird's body was very strong. It was no worse than Han Sen's body. A man and a bird were rolling around on the floor. In the end, Han Sen's endurance and might won out.

Han Sen rode the Gold Wing Big Bird, repeatedly punching the bird in the face. The Gold Wing Big Bird lost many of its feathers. With one plucked from the left and one plucked from the right, bit by bit, its skin was showing. Blood seeped through. Eventually, the bird lost consciousness and was no longer able to fight back. It enabled Han Sen to keep punching it in the face and the neck without reprieve.

The Gold Wing Big Bird's head was too hard. Han Sen had to smack it for quite a while before realizing it wasn't going to work. That was why he moved to punch the creature's neck. After a dozen strikes, its neck bone broke. The beast stopped breathing.

"Killed Break World beast: Gold Wing Big Bird. Found Break World gene."