Dead Cycle That Cannot Be Broken

Moment God was pulled away by Han Sen. Her body lost tension and fell toward him.

Han Sen stood to the side. He used his hands to take Moment God's time needle away from her. Moment God's body flew away. She hit a stone clock. The stone clock broke.

A scary amount of time had been reversed, but that came to an end now that Moment God had been tossed away. The whole of the Time Sky was calm again.

The two universes went silent. All of the creatures were shocked. Moment God was the base of Time Sky and able to reverse time, yet Han Sen had easily been able to steal her weapon. Through doing that, she was sent soaring through the air. It was like a child being destroyed. It was hard to imagine.

Everyone's mouths stayed open. The geno tablet's and Time Sky's lights had already faded. The videos of the geno tablet were gone. The leader fights were over.