Special Genius

As Han Sen read, he spoke in a very excited manner. "I should be able to understand a little."

It did not matter if he was to make food or study books, they were the sort of tasks Han Sen had never been good at. Now, Han Sen was performing really well with all the stuff he was supposed to be bad at. If that was the With Light and Dust level Mister White talked about, to Han Sen, it was an unimaginable boon.

"Mister White said my body can be used in any field. Does that mean my body will become a genius that is talented in everything? No matter what I do or what I learn, will I be better than others?" Han Sen read the Xuan Men Hidden Real Explanation and came to understand Xuan Men a whole of a lot more. He had tried learning it for many years, but now he was understanding it a lot more.

Although reading that book did not mean he had learned Xuan Men, it was not like before when he only knew a small amount.