Reverse Time and Space

"What is Crape Myrtle waiting for?" Tai Yi asked with a frown. "Bao'er cannot beat Qin Xiu. If he does not reboot the universe now, there will be no chance of rebooting it later."

In the geno hall, Light Goddess and Moment God, two of the 12 main Annihilation-class God Spirits, were bewildered. They did not know what Crape Myrtle was waiting for either.

"Mister, this is our final chance," Light Goddess said. "While Bao'er has yet to lose, we can reboot the universe and start anew."

"Wait a little longer," Crape Myrtle said to stop her from speaking.

"Mister, what can you possibly be waiting for?" Moment God asked.

She could tell Crape Myrtle was waiting for something, but she could not think of what he might be waiting for that might defeat Qin Xiu.

If they did not do something while Bao'er was stalling Qin Xiu, and Qin Xiu completely unleashed his power, the universe would not be able to be rebooted.