Screw Up

The young girl had a dream.

Famous heroes armed with legendary weapons were slaughtering the evil monsters barring their path. Eventually, they achieved an overwhelming victory over the BOSS and received immeasurable honor and their fame spread across the lands — however, in the end, a dream was just a dream. It didn't explain how the heroes toiled to pick up every single loot from the remains of the monsters to gather enough resources for the next fight.

Reality is cruel.

As she stared at Rhode and the others who were stripping down the rotten corpses, a few gold coins amongst other strange things appeared from the bodies. Marlene could only stand beside them with a dark expression and protest.

"This is blasphemy towards the deceased!"

Unfortunately, her righteous objection fell on deaf ears.

"You must be kidding."

Rhode sneered as he grabbed a few gold coins that fell on the ground and stuffed it in his pocket.