Imperfect Ending

Blades of light flashed.

The spiritual energy reached its peak. Akin to the Grim Reaper's scythe of death, the sword reaped downwards. The mercenaries could only stare blindly with no way out. They watched in fear and trepidation, struggling helplessly before their impending death. Then, everything went silent. As death swept through, their corpses fell in droves like harvested wheat.

Carmen stared blankly at the bloody massacre, losing any thoughts of resisting. He was regretting ever so badly.

How did this happen?

Why did things turn out this way?

He asked himself. But what did he need to understand? He had already failed and this place appeared to be his grave.

Those were Carmen's final thoughts. Then a bright golden light pierced his body and tore his chest apart.

Rhode let out a sigh of relief.