Gloom Shadow

The sharp, ice-cold blade was only inches away from Marlene and the maiden could feel the bone-chilling sensation hitting her face. She innately held her breath and embraced stiffly for the upcoming attack.

And at this moment, a bright, red sword light appeared in front of Marlene. The Crimson Blade rapidly intertwined in the air and instantly weaved a blade net, rejecting the cold blade.

"Clang clang clang!!"

After a series of non-stop blading sounds, the ice-cold sword that darted towards Marlene was instantly shattered into bits. And at this moment, Marlene opened her eyes in shock and stared at the figure in front of her — This figure was so familiar to her.

"I knew something would come and cause trouble."

Rhode gripped the sword with his backhand and fixed his gaze on the odd black figure tenaciously.

"Marlene, continue to dismantle the passageway ritual! I'll take charge here!"