The Hunt

"Greetings, Sir Bayer."

Bayer subconsciously took a step back as soon as he met Agatha. Even though they had heard her self-introduction, they didn't see such creatures before. Although Agatha appeared harmless, humans were still vigilant against the unknown.

Bayer held his sword hilt before returning to his senses. A blush of embarrassment smeared across his face and he awkwardly lowered his arm.

"Is anything the matter?"

"This was what happened," Agatha said.

She looked at the guest with azure eyes that resembled emotionless gems. It seemed that she wasn't mindful about his reactions, or perhaps she didn't care. She stood quietly while her hair swayed, twisted, and hung down.

"Master is about to head out for a hunt. He hopes that everyone can join him if they're interested."

"A hunt?"