Order Refugees (2)

A long, long time ago, the Dragon Soul Continent prospered and flourished. The continent was incomparably wide with unlimited sources of water and land that extended to the ends of the world. However, everything changed after the Creation War. The bugle that signified the start of the Creation War engulfed the entire world. Sacred areas protected by the dragon souls were destroyed in clashes. The Order protection barrier weakened while Chaos infiltrated the abandoned land and enveloped everything. After the end of the Creation War, the borders of Order once again stabilized.

However, the people who resided in regions devoured by Chaos didn't die off completely. Some of them relied on Order Flame Columns and sought refuge in the dark underground, escaping from the corrosion of Chaos. They lived there while struggling on death's door, hoping that the glory of Order could eradicate the endless Chaos and help them return to the surface.