Crisscrossed Fantasies (3)

Swish! The two enormous scarlet blades clashed on the heavy shield, sending sparks flying everywhere. Anne gnashed her teeth, clutched the shield, and stared at her enemy before her in the eyes. But unlike her, the enemy Anne had no interest in interaction. Anne initially thought that she could have a short conversation with her other self, just to have an idea of how the other worlds worked. But she didn't expect that her other self launched an attack without speaking a word. Fortunately, Anne wasn't a pushover as a Shield Warrior. The instant the enemy attacked, she raised her shield and defended herself. Boom! The stone bricks beneath her feet failed to withstand the powerful force and shattered instantly. But, even so, she lifted her head bravely and stared at her other self.

First round—draw.

"Woah. You're Anne indeed. So strong. But…"