Song of Fire and Wind

If Rhode were a large wheel that braved the waves, Canary would be the elegant elf who flew along with the wind with her long mage robe. She appeared behind the lion-headed devils gracefully, the sword coalesced from flames piercing toward the lion-headed devil. The lion-headed devil turned around as soon as it realized the danger, deflecting the blade with its dagger. The smile on Canary's face remained unchanged. She swiftly drew a circle with the sword, which sucked in the dagger like a magnet, forcefully changing its trajectory. Then, her sword suddenly transformed into a lightning bolt that struck at the devil.

But contrary to her movements, the powerful gust of wind that erupted from the blade sucked in everything in its path. The lion-headed devil couldn't resist the powerful force and lost its balance. At the same time, the mysterious wind suddenly vanished, while Canary increased her speed and punctured the scarlet blade into the lion-headed devil's throat. But…