Special Investigation Force

If it were possible, David Chris only had one thought and that was to report to the higher-ups and tender his resignation. The 'Commander in Chief' of the Americas Region moon bases was once a title of glory and honor to him. But now, he felt an incredibly heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

It had been over 15 hours since he lost contact with the second district base. The only thing for sure was that they were attacked, but the situation was much trickier than when it involved a dragon because this time, everyone witnessed the existence of an angel in the surveillance footage!

If it were said that the attack from the dragon left everyone in the Americas Region lingering in fear, this time the emergence of this angel-like young lady led them to the verge of collapse. After all, they believed they were a 'country protected by God'. But now, an angel that would only appear in legends had actually showed up before them and even attacked?