Returning Home

The space shuttle glided, before landing silently on the tarmac like a piece of origami. The metallic ramp ejected slowly to connect to the jet bridge and the hatch opened.

Looks like I'm finally back…

Rhode sauntered out of the space shuttle, taking in everything with complicated emotions. Be it the towering buildings or pleasant country sceneries on the other side, everything seemed so familiar to him. In an instant, he felt as if it were all from a lifetime ago. He thought he was dreaming. This clear view in front of him became a distinct comparison to the Dragon Soul Continent in his memories. At that moment, the Dragon Soul Continent was slowly becoming indistinct as though it were nothing more than a thrilling dream. On the other hand, this modern city was spreading its arms apart to embrace and welcome his return. At a glance, the familiar scenes around him were as though reminding him silently that this was his true home.