Hidden Secret

"Why… is Mother here?"

Gazing at the Dark Dragon who seemed to have sunken into an eternal sleep, Erin couldn't conceal her bewilderment. Angelina shifted her gaze from Erin to the Dark Dragon, but didn't say a word as she sauntered to the side. As an ex-citizen of the Country of Darkness, it went without saying that she understood the higher authorities of the country well. Just like how dragon soul heirs of the Country of Law were born from the Spirit Tree, dragon soul heirs of the Country of Darkness were born from the dragon family. However, the number of wyverns was small, with less than 20 remaining in this generation. Besides, the wyverns basically spent most of their time sleeping. Unless it involved a moment of life and death for the Country of Darkness, they would never show themselves. If Erin weren't Ion's younger sister, she would only be one of the wyverns, sleeping away and wouldn't roam the world.