Shadowy Figures (1)

"Big Brother, Chaos ambushed."

Icy Snow shifted her gaze away from the sky and turned to Rhode. Upon hearing her words, Rhode nodded and the corners of his mouth lifted into a proud smile.

"Good. Looks like things are going rather smoothly. I thought those guys would get overly excited while killing and forget the plan."

Rhode said, flattening the creases on his shirt. At that moment, he wasn't dressed in his usual noble attire. Instead, he wore a straight, black uniform and donned a pitch-black cloak outside. With a hood over his head, he was covered in black from head to toe, hiding his appearance. As a matter of fact, it wasn't only him—his followers were dressed similarly too. Be it warriors, mages, rangers, or other classes, they all wore pitch-black cloaks that wrapped themselves completely. Looking ahead into the distance, apart from a distinct group of black figures, no one could differentiate their genders.