City of White (5)

Unlike the naive-looking little queen and primitive giant, the battle angel version of Celia before Rhode was almost exactly the same as the original Celia. Whether it was her serious and earnest temperament, or her calm demeanor, there was no difference between her and the Celia from his memory. No, perhaps he should say that there was still a difference; this battle angel possessed an incomparably powerful aura like a tall mountain moving toward him head-on, giving him a heavy sense of pressure.

Rhode, who noticed this, was shocked. Because in reality, he had never felt such a powerful aura from Celia. Although she was somewhat rigid on a regular basis, she was still a meek and honest young lady. Unlike now; the aggressive aura from this battle angel made him want to lower his head, kneel on the ground, and bow down before her.

Could she be the real Celia instead?