He Still Stood in Front of Me

For anyone who had achieved immortality, ever since Lu Jiuyuan achieved the Great Way, would rarely pay him a visit. This was a story that contained Daoists' blood and tears. It was a story from a thousand years ago, about a friend of Lu Jiuyuan, who was a powerful Buddhist Layperson, called Wei Mojie.

The depth of Wei Mojie's Dharma was not below any Zen master of the eight sects of Buddhism. He was able to see through the shallowness and not get contaminated by the environment. Everyone said he would definitely achieve Boddhisattva's highest level.

This was the connoisseur he was. His pursuit of Dao was not something a commoner would imagine, and he had a Dao he strongly believed in. One day, he felt like there was nothing he could improve on, as all the rules and formulas in the world were written on the back of his hand. As such, he decided to see Lu Jiuyuan.

At that time, while Lu Jiuyuan was famous, it was unlike today, where he had no enemy.