One Dial One Year

The axe was not that bright in itself, in fact, its entire body was covered with something as black as charcoal. It was a very big axe. It was what someone would first see when they looked inside. It was as tall as a person while its width was comparable to that of an average person`s chest.

The axe emanated the aura of a wild beast as killing intent seemed to seep out from it. The most special aspect of the axe was its unusual style. It did not bend the way usual axes was, instead; it formed into a crescent-shaped, double-edged curve which glinted with sharpness.

Using the axe would be a very sophisticated art in itself. Slashing alone would only display a tenth of its power.

Chu Han nearly closed his eyes, not because of the dazzlingly shining handle, but of the air that the axe itself gave off. But not everyone could feel the pressure the axe gave off. It was truly something worthy of being a very famous weapon during his past incarnation.