The Results of Squad Leader Hao's Special Training

Just who was Qin Fen? He lived his entire life at the lowest social class. He had eaten many a food more disgusting than this. The first mouthful felt disgusting only because he became used to eating the military meals in recent times. This was the only reason why he was a bit unused to it.

He recalled those bleak days of the past, and Qin Fen ate this meal with incomparable happiness. He even felt thanks for this cook and his assistant, for this meal had reminded him the arduous life that he must not ever forget at all times. That stage of his life was his life's treasure.

He cleaned his plate of the nutritious meal and stood once more before the cook. "Is there more?"

"Are you sure you can keep on eating?"

"Yep! I can eat a bit more for dinner, then go for a bit of exercise." Qin Fen beamed as he said, "Is there more?"

"Yes, there is...."

Two servings of the nutritious meal. Three servings of the nutritious meal....