Fierce and Ambitious Man, Blood Devil

Very soon, most of the cloud of dust and smoke that rose due to the intense battle had dissipated. So long as one's eyesight wasn't too bad, they could clearly see the situation inside the death pool.

The huge fish-scaled gorilla was lying on the ground, hanging on by a breath. Its four strong and robust limbs were like caterpillars that had suddenly stopped squirming, creating a strange appearance joint by joint.

Already, one-third of the scales from that ancient fish-scaled armor had fallen off from being thrown over and over again. In many places it was like damaged water pipes, spraying blood instead of water.

Owing to those high-intensity throws, one of the eyeballs of the fish-scaled gorilla had been smashed. Having lost the eyelid protecting the eyeball, a fountain of blood squirted from the eye socket like a mountain spring in the rainy season.

Qin Fen's body had already returned to its normal condition. Except his face was a bit pale.