He is Not Human

The dense gunfire in the jungle had gradually decreased. Qin Fen stood at a distance and pressed the detonator in his hand. A deafening explosion was heard, followed by pieces of bloody body parts flying everywhere. 

Qin Fen went back to investigate the explosion point. The bodies of the people who were killed by the Barrett in this fierce battle had now vanished along with the explosion earlier.

"Phew..." Qin Fen let out a long sigh of relief, "This way, the enemies won't be able to discover the strength of the sniper from the bodies."

Qin Fen destroyed evidence of a sniper hurriedly and left the battlefield quickly toward the meeting point that had been set before the battle began.

Things on the battlefield were never certain. God knew if things such as someone randomly firing shots resulting in someone being killed by these bullets that came from nowhere would happen.