GPS and Tear Gas

Shengjing was one of the very few super metropolises in East Asia.

Bustling, busy, and fast-paced lives formed the blood of this city.

The Generals of East Asia Military Region didn't have much time to experience the bustling city.

The generals had their hands full these days, considering the problem of whether Qin Fen was staying or leaving. With the prolongation of the discussion, various proposals were put on the table one after another.

Some people suggested that Qin Fen should be thrown into a military school for a few years and wait until Song Wendong had cooled down, or let Qin Fen be defeated by someone during this time. Earth Martial God would naturally not care about this and everything would transition smoothly.

There were some people who suggested that Qin Fen should be assigned to special forces. Whether he was going to be a dragon or a snake, let him temper himself.