Hunting (Part 2)


Solomon no longer looked at the Lion King, instead, he looked around repeatedly, as if he was looking for something, "Have they arrived?"

Deng deng deng...

There was a knock on the Lion King's door, followed by the steely voice of a soldier reporting. Zuo Dongting pressed the button beside his hand to allow the soldiers entry. A middle-aged man with the lieutenant colonel pin, who was as strong as a metal tower, walked in with a three-foot-long box and stopped in front of Zuo Dongting.

"General, this is your personal parcel."

The well-sealed box was gently placed on the desk in front of Zuo Dongting. The martial dao grandmasters could easily smell a whiff of pungent blood from the perfectly sealed box without even opening it.

The smell of blood comes in many forms, but it was very easy to distinguish this particular smell from the others. It was human blood! More importantly, the blood was still very fresh.