I Am Your Private Backer

"Meeting adjourned."

With two words, Lu Tingxiao took up his phone and walked out of the meeting room.

Ning Xi was waiting for Lu Tingxiao to text her a reply, and was startled when he directly called her back instead.

Ning Xi let Xiao Tao know she was picking up a call, then hurriedly found an empty corner to do so.


"I saw your text." Lu Tingxiao sounded happy.

Ning Xi picked at the ceramic tiles on the wall with her fingernail. "Oh."

When she had sent the text, she hadn’t thought anything about it, but why did she now feel that something was off?

"Jealous?" Lu Tingxiao’s low, rough voice came through the line.

"Cough cough cough cough cough…" Ning Xi was so alarmed by the word that she burst into furious coughing, then said angrily, "Who’s jealous! I was thinking that it was important to be clear about the relationships inside the company, so I just asked, that’s all!"