Lightning Fox Blood

The Dragon City had Song flowers on the river bank.

The waves on the ancient river continued to flow, but the fishing boats had all but disappeared.

Today, powerful life forms lived under the surface, and the ordinary person would not dare to go near.

Xiao Yue, who was wearing a light blue dress stood sternly at the river bank with a godlike serenity.

Opposite her stood a long haired youth sporting a grey tunic, cloth shoes and a long blade on his back.

The youth’s features were sharp, his brows were like swords as he looked at Xiao Yue sharply, "Since you’ve recovered, why won’t you return?" he asked coldly.

"What business is it of yours?" Xiao Yue’s tone was cold, her eyebrows scrunched as she looked at the long haired youth, "Also, you’re spying on me?"