

Zhao Mantian flew over the airspace above the abyss and shook the cloth bag lightly. The huge group of people came tumbling out.

The embarrassed group fell at the edge of the cliff, including the Xiantian cultivators, who all looked unsettled.

Inside the bag, they could not use any of their powers, they were completely inprisoned!

This was too scary!

It would be all too easy for Zhao Mantian to kill them in the bag!

One of the Xiantian Cultivators ate a mouthful of mud upon impact and could not resist but shout, "Why is Sect Leader Zhao doing this? We were all here to help Sect Leader Zhao!"

Zhao Mantian stood in the air, his body emanating a terrifying, suppressing aura.

He chuckled, "Help me? Then should I be thanking you... for breaking my protective magical formation with your sword, for wanting to kill many here? Should I thank you all for wanting to make Qing Qiu blood flow like a river?"