
Another level!

After half a day of rest, Chu Yu finally regained some of his strength and stood up, feeling as if his body was going to fall apart at any point.

He stumbled over to the remaining half of the serpent, the bottom half.

It was still moving.

Even until now, the bottom half of the serpent was still writhing.

Chu Yu grabbed the tail of the serpent and coiled it, examining it closely.

The silver scales of the serpent were evenly spread and unbelievably tough.

Chu Yu tried to remove a couple of scales from the body but to no avail.

"Do you two recognize this fella?" Chu Yu asked Old Yellow and Lord Thief.

"Never seen it before." Old Yellow shook its head.

"Me neither." Lord Thief added, "But this fella is a Xiantian lifeform, how terrifying!"

"Indeed, f*ck it, I couldn’t even get close to it." Old Yellow was slightly troubled.

Back in his old territory, he was extremely influential and powerful, almost like a little demon king.