

Everyone was wide eyed, their expressions confused.

Where was Chai Yue?

How did he disappear?

Why was Chu Yu still standing there?

At this point, they heard someone moaning in the mountains.

This was not science!

All those watching the stream could see it clearly. Chai Yue had rushed to Chu Yu and aimed a slap at Chu Yu’s face.

However, somehow, Chu Yu managed to retaliate and send him flying!

His body was like a broken kite and plummeted to the ground.

Chai Yue’s body landed on the other side of the Heaven Lake with a bang and smashed a huge rock.

It tumbled all the way to the edge of the water before a few slightly larger rocks blocked his body.

Those watching the broadcast murmured to themselves, imagining the pain Chai Yue must be feeling.

This was too creepy!

Chai Yue landed there, unmoving.

Lin Shi glanced at Chu Yu, her eyes filled with awe, flashing with moments of joy.