
Golden Armor Youth

This man appeared in front of Chu Yu in the blink of an eye. Chu Yu could not feel any aura or life or death from his body.

He gave Chu Yu the feeling that he was a robot.

This figure was enveloped by mist, and one could barely make out his golden armor and helmet.

A pair of icy, apathetic eyes could be seen through the mist.

Chu Yu hung there, unable to move.

This kind of energy was foreign to Chu Yu. It made him extremely exasperated and he felt helpless and weak.

Fatty probably felt the same way.

"How should I address you, senior?" Chu Yu attempted to communicate with this man.

"I am insignificant."

This figure clad in mist actually spoke.

"Senior is able to be beside Master Yi, how can you be insignificant?" Chu Yu did not dare to mention Houyi.

There were vast differences when it came to the culture and ideals of the ancient and modern times. The ancient times stuck to hierarchy and titles very seriously.