
The Purple Cloud School

Chu Yu looked at Liu Fenghui.

Everyone else was slightly confused too. Liu Fenghui had not told them about this beforehand.

"This thought of mine is pretty impromptu, if Heavenly Doctor Song thinks it’s viable, please accede to my request, else, you can reject the proposal without consequence." Liu Fenhui hesitated for a moment, then said, "The Mirror World has countless countries, and the million mile wide Song Country is just one of them."

The elders all nodded in agreement.

Liu Fengling added, "Indeed, the Mirror World is too big, the Cang Mang forest is already the size of a country, but yet, it is not even the top hundred biggest forests in the Mirror World."

"Exactly, the Mirror World is vast beyond imagination, and it houses the elites from various universes. With so many worlds, there is a vast amount of talent." Another elder exalted.

Before this, Chu Yu’s understanding of the Mirror World was limited.