
A Bunch of Beansprouts

"..." Yuwen Xiaoxiao was speechless, she had thought of many replies.

For example, you’re not my type; for example, you’re not pretty; even, I am not fit for you.

But she didn’t expect to get such an answer.

The Mirror World was not Earth, and there were major differences between the two societies.

For example, minors referred to males under 16 years old and females under 14 years old.

Yuwen Xiaoxiao was already 16-17 years old, but to Chu Yu, she was still an immature girl in her rebellious phase.

However, to Yuwen Xiaoxiao, she could get married if she wanted to!

"You’re the minor!

Yuwen Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes. She finally stopped and looked at Wu Heng with condescension, "Teacher Wu, how about you be the judge?"


Wu Heng did not care about someone as weak as her!

He was an intermediate level pill refiner and could judge the quality of the pills relatively well.