
A Mess?

The Principal looked at Chu Yu, conflicted.

He knew how much the leader of the Purple Cloud Constabulary valued this man. The leader had told the Principal on many occasions that he must value Heavenly Doctor Song because this man would make the school better.

Mm, indeed, the 12 girls had become more obedient.

However, Chu Yu’s behavior... if he was an ordinary man, he would be very excited!

But he was the principal!

It was okay to be confident!

Which able man did not have a temper?

But he was really scared.

He had only taken the Pill Refining Section under his wing because the leader of the Purple Cloud Constabulary had instructed him to do so.

But back then, and even now, he... never truly believed in the abilities of the Pill Refining Section.

Even if this Heavenly Doctor Song, Sensei Song was extremely able, how much could he teach in a short span of three months?

Even though the girls were highly talented, how much could they learn in such a short span of time?