
Spiritual Pill

The Principal of the Purple Cloud School could clearly describe the memory of a feeling from many years ago.

"Extremely delighted!"

"Definitely, no other words could better describe the emotions that I had felt," he said.

He had personally ordered the twelve furnaces for the twelve girls. Six across and seven down, there were 42 shiny and smooth pills. The engravings on the pill were exquisite as they lay in neat order at the bottom of the pill furnace.

Will of Heaven Pill!

A real Will of Heaven Pill!

Each one exuded a strong aura of medicine. A sniff would make a person exceptionally happy. Any emotions of angst would be calmed instantly.

Superior quality!

A real superior quality Will of Heaven Pill!

The Principal did not even need to analyze it to confirm it.

He raised his head, trying to look for Bi Yueyue, but couldn’t find her after scanning the surroundings.

However, he was not angry with her, not in the least bit!

Which capable person did not have their quirks?