
See You In The Next Life

Many years ago, Fei Xue once said that if their daughter never recovered, the day that she died would be the day that these men would make their move.

However, if their daughter managed to get well, this day would come on the day she recovered.

This meant that the secret machine inside Drizzle was the target for these elders and masters of the Tai Ji Sect!

They laid in the shadows for many years, afraid that any rash action would leave them with nothing.

Fei Xue had long expected this, which led her to lay down this teleportation formation together with Shen Xing.

This teleportation formation was a one time portal!

Once it was used, it would be destroyed!

Even a Saint of the top brass would not be able to locate its destination.

The couple spent much effort to lay down this teleportation formation.

The upper echelons of the Tai Ji Sect had planted spies around them since the start.

Otherwise, they would not have gotten the news of Chu Yu’s arrival so quickly.