

At this moment, six to seven copies of Lin Shi appeared behind the Butterfly Dance.

Every single one of them were identical to one another, exact duplicates of Lin Shi!

"Chu Yu you little brat, are you seeing this? These are your beloveds, as many as you want!".

The Butterfly Dance’s soundwaves echoed with cold mockery.

Between her brows, a tiny armor the size of a fingernail appeared. It shimmered with holographic light and radiated a powerful aura.


The strike of Chu Yu’s sword hit the shimmering armor and gave off a clear and crisp sound.

The sword pierced through the armor but the Butterfly Dance was unharmed.

She fluttered her sleeve and with a loud bang, struck her palm onto Chu Yu’s chest.

Chu Yu stumbled backwards and spat out blood.

If not for his strong physique, this blow from the Butterfly Dance would have destroyed him!

The Butterfly Dance continued to fire up her gaze at the sword!

A formidable sword! A formidable sword art!